We are pleased to share the success of our charity feijoada lunch held on 26th May at BahBQ. This event was organized to raise funds for the people in Rio Grande do Sul, who have been severely affected by recent devastating floods, displacing over 200,000 people and impacting more than 80% of the state’s cities.

We are thrilled to announce that through your generosity, we raised a total of R$28,704.50. Here is the breakdown of the funds:

$5,745 from ticket sales
$1,180 from supplier donations
$1,305 from QR donations

The entire donation amount has been transferred to Brazil, where it will be used to aid in the rebuilding efforts and support the affected families. We will keep you updated with pictures and a list of supplies that will be purchased and donated.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributed to this cause! We would also like to extend a special thank you to our suppliers who played a crucial role in making our lunch fundraiser a big success: Handler Meats, Louis Veggies, Green Farm Dee Why, Brazilian Style Foods, Cerbaco Cachaça, and Kent Paper.

Together, we can make a difference.